My next site I am loving right now is 1000 Awesome things! I wish I had known about this one longer. It's already gone through 500 awesome things and I've yet to catch up! I read the days entry and I'm like YES! I LOVE when that happens! It definitely helps you appreciate the little things in life. The book just came out and I've just ordered it on Amazon. CANNOT wait to get it in the mail! :) I'm a pretty open book and don't have many secrets but these are things I think are awesome.
Grabbing a huge pile of hangers to hang up clothes and realizing while hanging the last shirt you have grabbed the perfect number.
Being with friends and laughing until your face hurts, or watching old TV shows.
(Michelle Meisner)
Getting ready in the morning and thinking "Man, I look so good today."
Taking a mini nap in a tanning bed during lunch break.
Being with friends and laughing until your face hurts, or watching old TV shows.
Getting ready in the morning and thinking "Man, I look so good today."
Taking a mini nap in a tanning bed during lunch break.
Love this! Mainly because the pic about hanging clothes is actually the highlight of alot of my evenings. And I love post secrets!